Okay this may seem a bit random, but it annoyed me so STRAP IN KIDS. I ordered a dead sea mud face mask and some silicon mask brushes on Amazon. Two small items. From the same place. To arrive on the same day. So, in my head, I thought that they would arrive both in the same medium sized box or in two smaller packages. But NO. Instead I get a large box and a large plastic envelope. The face mask took up a small corner of the box and was in its own packaging. The brushes took up about an eighth of the envelope. See down in the bottom left hand corner? That's what I bought. The rest of the photo is PACKAGING. Granted, Most of that can be recycled. But recycling isn't always the solution. Things can be "theoretically recyclable" (Prospect magazine) but whether or not it actually goes through the recycling depends on how big or small the object is. For example, shredded paper can't be recycled because it falls through the machine. It can be recycled as long as there is somewhere to sort it and someone to buy it. If one or both of those things don't exist in your area, it gets chucked in the landfill with everything else. Which is the one thing recycling is trying to avoid. Recycling isn't always going to help the situation. We need to cut down on packaging, otherwise items like this that aren't bought up will be discarded into landfill, putting this planet in a worse situation every day. And that's just sad.
So I originally planned to just journal when I felt like it, but I've been getting into a rhythm of doing it daily and I am loving it. It made me realise how much I've missed writing for the fun of it. Stress and anxiety over the last few years with massive workloads and exams made writing into a chore for me and something that I didn't want to do unless I was being graded for it.
When I decided to study Journalism, it's because I loved writing and the power that words had over the populous. I'd never seen myself as an author, but I found journalism and news writing so compelling because of how it could dictate the how societal mood in a country or area. I found it fascinating. I applied because I hoped that it would help me regain the love I used to have for writing. And it did, but then uni workloads built up and it became a graded thing again. I was writing all day, everyday, whether it was for class or to add to this blog. I know I didn't pot that much last year, but I drafted so many pieces. I didn't post them, because I would read them back and hate them - there was clearly no passion behind them at all, it was almost as if I had no interest in the topics I was commenting on and I was forcing the pieces out, which I guess I was to some extent. I know it's early doors (we're only 20 days into the new year) but I am feeling so positive about the year ahead and what that means for my writing. I feel like I've found that passion I used to have again and I'm excited to see where that takes me and this blog in the coming months. And journalling is really helping me with that. 2019 is here! And with it comes a new year of writing. Writing is actually an unofficial resolution for me this year. I have written down four things I want to accomplish:
As part of my Christmas presents, I received a journal. I am going to use it to document this year. In it, I will be writing what I've eaten, what exercise I've done, how my mental health is doing, and uplifting messages for myself, paired with some pictures to keep myself motivated with my resolutions. I will be using this to my full advantage! New Years is a great time to reflect, hence why resolutions are made. I had a wonderful year in 2018 - I made some amazing friends, whilst strengthening my relationships with old ones; I travelled to some incredible places; I spent time making amazing memories with my family; I excelled in my work more than I ever thought I would. 2018 was happy and full of special moments. There were times that I struggled with my mental health and had points were I let my anxiety take the better of me, leading to some of my lowest moments. But I pulled myself out and cut a lot of toxicity out of my life. It was freeing. I plan to carry on that feeling. I plan to make 2019 just as good as 2018 - hopefully it will be better!
About MeHi! I'm Niamh, and welcome to my blog! Categories
February 2021