Now I know I haven't done a weekly diary in ages but I have been up to my eyeballs on revision so it will hopefully start up again soon, plus I'm starting the NCS Summer Programme soon (which I got accepted into a couple weeks ago) so I will definitely do weekly diaries then as I will have SO MUCH to say. But anyway, on Friday I went to Wembley Arena in London and literally had the best night ever with my friends - no exaggeration needed. We went to see 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER's first night at Wembley Arena! And it was awesome! I have to tell you, it was the HOTTEST concert I have ever been to, literally I was boiling. It was really humid that night and it was a closes arena with loads of stage lights and people jumping and it was very hot. But that didn't mean it wasn't amazing! So we went to see their 26th show of their 'Rock Out With Your Socks Out' World Tour, on their first night headlining Wembley Arena. I really love concerts like this where it is a big achievement for the act because they are in such high spirits and the atmosphere is amazing. It reminded me of when I went to see McFly at the Albert Hall for their 10th Anniversary show. Anyway, we got in and the music videos were playing (a lot of Olly Murs) while this picture was up on the screen: (surprised at the good definition I took it with my phone). Their supporting act, Hey Violet, came on at about 7:30 and I was surprised by how good they were. Not in a mean way, it's just a lot of support acts end up being really bad live, but Hey Violet were awesome. They had great energy, great music, they are awesome live, and they really got the crowd involved by talking to them a lot and even gave us the opportunity to dance for a chance to go backstage with them after the show which was really cool of them. They did a really cool rock version of Blank Space by Taylor Swift and their original songs were pretty good. If you are looking for some new music I sincerely recommend checking them out because they are awesome, especially if you like people like 5SOS and The Script and Greenday. So after they went off more music came back on. Then about 25 minutes later they started to quieten the music. Everyone stood up and screamed and then....... We got rick rolled. Yeah, Never Gonna Give You Up chimed in and you can just imagine them laughing backstage. But it was pretty funny because we then all started singing along to that and Final Countdown which came on afterwards. Then, finally, the music and lights went down and the jumbo screen at the back of the stage started a countdown from 2 minutes, some video played and then a countdown from 10 seconds began. Then a spotlight fell on Ashton on his drums at the end of the countdown. The concert had begun. And it was one of the best concerts ever. 5SOS are amazing artists and they are great live. My favourite songs they performed live were Voodoo Doll, Permanent Vacation (they got the audience to perform the intro in three parts - Michael's side sang the na-na pattern, Calum's side shouted 'hey' and Luke's section in the middle [including me] clapped out a rhythm) and Heartache On The Bigscreen. Their entrance back on for the encore was also amazing. They really went all out with their effects, honestly. Also the talking breaks that they had were lovely and sweet and funny and the fact that they got us to perform the intro was awesome PLUS they brought a girl up on stage to play Michael's guitar for a little while which was really cool of them (she is so lucky). Some pictures from the show: I don't want to write too much as they still have some shows left and I don't want to ruin it for anyone! However, I will be posting a video soon made up of videos and pictures I took at the concert. If it isn't up here it will be on my YouTube channel, so I will post I link when it is up.
Plus if you want to see the concert yourself, the night I went they were filming their concert DVD, so you can get that when it comes out in a few months. I would just like to say that, on their second night, Michael was burnt in the face by the fire shooters, and even though he said he is fine and managed to do their third night, I wish him a speedy recovery, even though the bandages probably made it look worse than it actually was. Also I would like to thank the boys because they are amazing live and the speeches and thanks and interactions they gave to the crowd were funny and kind. They even brought a girl up on stage to play Michael's guitar for a while, which was great of them. It was one of the best concerts I have ever been to. I wish them all the luck for their futures as a bans and individually and want to say thanks again for an amazing night. The lights were awesome, the sound was awesome and they were awesome. To anyone who hasn't been yet, you are going to thoroughly enjoy yourselves, they have put so much hard work and effort into making this tour the best it can be, and that is shown in their performance! As I said earlier, the video will be up soon once I find the time to make it. I also watched Pitch Perfect 2 a couple weeks ago, so a movie review will be coming out soon I am just up to my eyeballs in GCSE's and revision (I am writing this at 11pm) so I will soon have the time to publish that as I finish exams on Friday. I hope you all have a great day/night and I will (figuratively) see you soon with another post!
About MeHi! I'm Niamh, and welcome to my blog! Categories
February 2021