So I had a thought the other day during my careers meeting that because I want to be a journalist I need to upload a variety of things of this blog to branch out and try different varieties of writing.
So every Sunday, I'm going to post a look back on my week and what I did in a diary-format. It is a different thing on top of my other posts so I can improve my writing a bit more. Enjoy!
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So I've just come back from seeing the new movie The DUFF in the cinema - it's awesome! Honestly, this is one of the best teen movies out there right now. It isn't your everyday teen movie - a girl who doesn't think she's pretty but then puts on some new clothes and gets the guy she always wanted, the hottest boy in school - no, this is different.
Now before you say "That's what everyone says, they're all the same", hear me out. Bianca Piper is in the popular crowd. The only problem is, she isn't as good looking as her two best friends. This makes her the DUFF - Designated Ugly Fat Friend. This is the friend who makes their friends look pretty and the one you have to go through to get to said friends. They are the approachable, friendly ones - just never the dateable ones. However Bianca is unaware of this label until Wesley Rush, captain of the football team and her next door neighbour, points it out to her head popular girl Madison's party. At first she thinks this is just a way to annoy her, but then she looks around and realises she is, and maybe that's the reason she can't talk to her crush rocker and musical genius, Toby Turner. So after falling out with her friends and blaming them for her label, she reaches out to Wesley to help her change her label before the homecoming dance, one of the biggest events of senior year. You then follow Bianca on her journey of realising labels don't matter and that she doesn't need to change herself, but instead just be who she is. This movie is important as it teaches us the lesson of self appreciation and not living up to our labels. Those labels are what other people think of us, not what we think of ourselves. In fact, Bianca's mum gives us a lesson on that, saying to Bianca: "Honey, you're a weirdo. But you need to go out there and be the biggest weirdo you can be." Most teen movies tell us that the only way we can get a guy to notice us is to be pretty and skinny and have designer clothes and be a bit of a bitch, but The DUFF teaches us that in reality, we don't need all of that, we just need to be true to ourselves. In fact, when Bianca is about to go on a date and sees Wesley and asks him what he thinks, he tells her: "Bianca you look great and all, but you don't look like you." So, even after all the work he;s done to help her look less like a DUFF, he prefers the old Bianca, the girl she really is, not the one she's hiding behind, so at homecoming, after she has truly accepted herself and walks out in an amazing dress that signifies her personality and who she is, that's when people notice. People will only notice you if you are comfortable in your own skin and accept fully who you are. As Bianca's mum says, we all need to be the biggest weirdos we can be. But seriously, if you were even only slightly thinking about seeing this, you definitely should. Mae Whitman and Robbie Amell do amazing jobs to create the friendly banter between the two characters and show the audience what being the DUFF really is. Bella Thorne, Skyler Samuels and Bianca A. Santos all do amazing jobs as supporting characters to bring the movie together and Ken Jeong plays the funniest teacher I have seen in a long time. It is an incredible movie with incredible actors, and an incredible message to teenagers everywhere. I just started watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix and I'm only about three episodes in, but it got me thinking ....... how do you know when the ones closest to you are lying?
Surely, you'd be able to tell, right? You know these people back to front and inside out - or is that just their fake persona they have to tear you away from their real ambitions? To deceive you and find out your weaknesses, so that eventually they can use them against you? Although, deceiving someone isn't always to gather information about them. Maybe this person is just different and is just trying to make themselves seem normal and able to fit in. So in front of you they'll act happy, but not too happy. They'll laugh, but not too loud or too often. They'll talk, but it will be simple and a little funny, or sometimes loving or serious. But not too funny, not too loving and not too serious. Then as soon as they are away from all of that, they collapse. They go back into their strange cave of loneliness and confusion and reveal who they truly are, to no one but themselves. And each day as they play out the same character over and over again, there's a voice in the back of their head saying: "But this isn't you" And they become afraid. So they play up this character, or fake persona, more and more, until they can convince themselves that this character is them. That voice is still always there though. Waiting and biding its time until it can spring to the front of that person's mind once more and make them lose it all over again. Make them reinvent the person they are. Then people question them and start to lose faith in who they are: "Why are you acting so different?" "What's wrong with you?" "Why are you being like this?" "You aren't who I thought you were" And that's when it comes crashing down. They realise they can't keep up this false pretence any longer, but they are also afraid of being themselves. So they turn into the backstabber. They take everything you told them and turn it against you. Because they don't know what else to do. They don't know who they are anymore. they have caught themselves up in a web of lies they can't get out of. So they use someone else's weaknesses to give them power because they have lost who they truly are. That voice in the back of their head has broken down and been pushed so far back that this person can't hear what it's saying anymore. No one knows what it's saying anymore. But I like to think it's telling this person to stop and be themselves. That just because you think yourself as different doesn't make it bad. In fact, it's an amazing thing to be different. Look at what you have. Maybe you can dance or play an instrument. Maybe you can recite the whole script of Mean Girls off by heart. Maybe you can say the alphabet backwards. And you see that person over there? They can't do that like you can. They wish they could because it's amazing to them. To you it's normal, but to them it's brilliant! Now think about what's been said. What you've learned. It's OK to be different. If everyone was the same, the world would be a boring place. If you read this and thought it sounded familiar, it's probably because you have a fake persona and don't realise it. I have one, we all do. But I've realise that I need to get rid of it. I can act differently around people, but not as someone I've created. I can be a louder, quieter or more colourful version of myself around different people and in different situations but I don't need to create an all-new personality to go with it. And I'm going to keep to that. Personally, I think it would be healthier for me to do that. I don't want to be retreating to my cave anymore to be myself. I want to be myself all the time. And society is just going to have to deal with it. So what have we learnt? Society is wrong. TV is good for you and is educational. And Pretty Little Liars is awesome.
I'm not much.
I should probably begin with why I started this blog. My blog on Tumblr is bromancesmakemyheartsing and on there I post random bits about myself. I then started getting deeper so created a sub-blog on tumblr called randomthoughtsfromme which is where I put these things. This includes advice/opinions/debates/etc. I then decided that I needed something else to get really into thoughts and just use as an extra creative outlet - that would be this blog! On here I might post reviews or things about school trips or whatever to share my life with people on a more personal wavelength. So here we are! You can access my tumblr accounts at any point and I have also put links to my YouTube, Twitter, Vimeo and business email if you need anything or want to find out more about me. I will link to my Tumblr, Instagram and Quotev accounts on the 'Contact' page. I hope you enjoy my blog and any feedback on how I could improve and update it is always welcome! Bye for now! |
About MeHi! I'm Niamh, and welcome to my blog! Categories
February 2021